Femto Lasik in Turkey

Este With Care offers all inclusive packages

Femto Lasik2022-06-27T23:03:12+00:00


For Femto Lasik in Turkey, Este With Care offers all inclusive packages, from factors affecting eligibility, choosing the right clinic and technique, to aftercare and results. Este With Care is an umbrella company between you and hospitals / clinics in İstanbul Turkey.

Este With Care provides dental implant services, eye treatments services (PRK Lasik, Relex Smile, Femto Lasik, Keratakonus, Cataract Lens), plastic surgery / cosmetic surgery services (Nose Operation / Rhinoplasty, Face Lift, Breast Implants) and hair transplantation services in İstanbul Turkey with all inclusive packages.

The Femto Lasik treatment takes only minutes and patients experience little discomfort during or after the procedure. Both eyes can be treated by Femto Lasik on the same day.

Este With Care Face Lift Plastic Surgery in Turkey

First step Femto Lasik

Anaesthetic drops are applied to numb the eye and a lid holder is put in place to stabilise your eye.

Second step Femto Lasik protective flap

A thin flap is created using a cool laser beam and gently lifted by your surgeon to reveal the inner corneal tissue.

Third step Femto Lasik vision correction

A second laser is then applied for a matter of seconds sending tiny computer controlled pulses of cool laser beams to gently reshape the inner layer of the cornea to correct your vision.

Fourth step Femto Lasik completion

Your surgeon will gently fold back the protective flap securely to its original position where it heals naturally over the following few days. The healing process begins immediately and most patients will see immediate results.

Este With Care Face Lift Plastic Surgery in Turkey

What is Este With Care doing for you?

  • We organize your hotel

  • We organize all your transfers for airport, hotel and klinik

  • We translate your communication we your doctor

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Why should you choose an eye clinic for femto lasik in Turkey?

Turkey became one of the most preferred countries for femto lasik – eye surgery and all treatments of health tourism. In Turkey eye clinics offer all inclusive packages which are include all transfers ( airport – hotel – clinic), hotel accommodation, translation in your language and treatment price. Positive reviews and satisfactions of the people who have done femto lasik in Turkey also encourages other people. There are many reasons for this: successful eye surgeons – successful operations in health tourism – all inclusive femto lasik packages – affordable price of femto lasik…


Femto Lasik Prices in Turkey

There is a lot of eye clinics in Turkey. They provide the highest quality service with eye surgeons very reasonable prices. Femto Lasik’s cost in Turkey is around 900 – 1400 Euro. But in Europe price of femto lasik can go up to 4-6 times. Also this price is all inclusive in Turkey. So, at this price, you both get your treatment and have a holiday. There are many factors that affect femto lasik prices and it varies from person to person. When you start your research, you may come across very high or very low prices. Before the price of femto lasik, you need to focus on the choice of eye clinic …
